Brand Auditing, Brand Positioning Marketing and Planning Strategy, Creative Consulting. I want to help business owners create and build Brands that are unique in their offering, stand out from the crowd and deliver increased profits for their shareholders.
I have what has been described as a ‘portfolio career’. Sometimes I am the agency. Sometimes I am the client. It’s all about building brands at the end of the day. Because brands matter.
If you think your business is not performing as well as it might, why don’t we have an informal chat about how applied marketing techniques might turbo charge it forwards?
Specialties: To my knowledge I’m the only person working in Scottish Marketing community who combines a strategic planning focus with a highly successful creative background. In practical terms, this means that I’ve a very good idea if the unique selling proposition that a brand is taking to market will work. Will it be able to translate into a compelling creative message that will get noticed and be effective with the chosen target audience. Also I don’t do flim flam or waffle.
- E:
- P: 0131 625 7041